ja precies, dat denk ik ook, liever een grote tsunami dan al dat geblaat en de maatregelen over het milieu die toch alleen de normale mens maar belasten, en waar de vervuilers vrij uit meegaan............ https://www.sott.net/article/4....25754-Poll-Most-peop

Poll: Most people prefer annihilation by killer tsunami than being lectured by climate change activists -- Don't Panic! Lighten Up! -- Sott.net

Poll: Most people prefer annihilation by killer tsunami than being lectured by climate change activists -- Don't Panic! Lighten Up! -- Sott.net

A new study found that most people would rather be annihilated by a giant tidal wave caused by climate change than continue to be lectured by climate change activists. Study participants were given the option of having the earth flooded by...