'Be aware of what you wish for, it might be granted'
Everyone, by now, should have heard of this law as it appears in all spiritual writings of all religions upon Earth. It is the law of "CAUSE AND EFFECT" or "YOU REAP AS YOU SOW" or - for materialists and atheists - "YOU GET AS MUCH AS YOU GIVE".
It is therefore of utmost importance to understand that the cosmos; our subconscious, is absolutely without prejudice. No good or bad, no positive or negative, no best or worst, no beautiful or ugly, no valuable or worthless.... these terms are only valid for self. What is positive, beautiful or best to one, does not have to be so for another.
As we may be able to see, the terms good and bad, positive and negative, best and worst, beautiful and ugly and so on are not justified, and at best expressions of our own subjectivity. It is easier to understand if we learn, are willing, to think in energies. Energy is unbiased. It is up to us to make the energy positive or negative, to use it constructively or destructively. This means whatever we wish for we are entitled to and is what we will get.
Creation has bestowed upon us free will by which we can experience life in its entirety. Life does not tell us we may experience only what is deemed pleasant and beautiful. It is up to us what we want to experience, but whether we still want what we wished for once we get it is another matter. At least we had the free choice - which is what life is all about, choices and priorities.
'The spirits he summoned he cannot be rid of now'
You have a certain idea, and thus you establish a cause. The effect thereof is whatever that idea was, it will enter your life sooner or later in one way and form or the other. For example, you are afraid that after a few drinks and driving the police will stop you or one morning, of a task or project you have, you think: "Darn!, this surely will go wrong!" The energy created by this thought is a command to the subconscious; the cosmos, and it will be complied with.
Whatever you do, or do not, what follows is of your own making. Life; the cosmos, can be likened to a large computer with its perfect laws that you can program with your thoughts (INPUT) and the cosmos; the subconscious, life (COMPUTER), will print out the result (OUTPUT).
Your subconscious; the cosmos, does not know fear; it does not distinguish between positive and negative; it merely receives energy; a command, and works accordingly, and you will get what you asked for; were afraid of. You will be stopped by the police, and your task/project will fail. Then you will say: "I knew it, it had to go wrong."
Correct, you knew it. Even more correctly: ONLY YOU knew it.
And since "to each according its faith", you received what you yourself caused in thoughts and feelings; intended, and sent out. It is thus up to you what you think and feel; intent, and it will manifest in your life in one form or the other.
Thus, don't point the finger at someone/something for whatever reason. That someone/something is merely 'the deliverer', delivering the message you yourself sent out in the first place.
Thoughts and feelings -intents- manifest - whether we realise it or not.
Where your attention is, there you are
What your attention is on, you'll get or become