Brunanburh: The most famous Viking battle you have never heard of | The Viking Herald

Brunanburh: The most famous Viking battle you have never heard of | The Viking Herald

One of the most important battles in British history took place between Anglo-Saxons and an alliance of Britons and Vikings on a misty battlefield in northern England sometime in 937 CE.
Über Uns

Wij zijn de Norse Riders, viking liefhebbende motorrijdende brothers en sisters van over de hele wereld. Opgericht in 2013 door Gunnar Viking Olafsson (moge hij feesten in Valhalla) uit IJsland.
Ons logo is de drakenkop van het Oseberg schip, welke opgegraven is in Tønsberg (nabij Oslo) in de jaren 1904 en 1905.

We're Norse Riders, Viking loving motorcycling brothers & Sisters all over the world. Founded in 2013 by Gunnar Viking Olafsson from Iceland.