Rampzalige snelle afkoeling Europa nu onvermijdelijk
Keihard bewijs: ‘Heinrich Event’ (plotselinge omslag naar Global Cooling) kan nu iedere dag plaatsvinden – Tussen 2030 en 2040 is het zover, en zullen we ‘The Day After Tomorrow’ zelf moeten meemaken
Janis Say
In the 60's oil would be depleted within 10 years causing major problems
In the 70's a new ice age; global cooling, would cause major problems
In the 80's acid rain would cause major problems
In the 90's depletion of the ozon layer would cause major problems
In the 00's the ice caps and the glaciers would be gone within 10 years causing, guess what ... yep, major problems
Then, they stepped up the pace and cranked up the supposed problems ...
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