The Big Dipper

We need to know. 😔
It is hard to comprehend this factual and heartbreaking 42:38 minutes, “CHILDREN USED IN DRUG TRIALS IN NY CITY ORPHANAGES.”

“Liam Scheff and Mimi Pascual on the Lizz Brown show, 2005, on children used in drug trials in New York City's ICC Orphanage. The images in this video are of HIV tests, the orphanage, and the NIH clinical trials.”
(ICC- Incarnation Children’s Center)

The use of AZT; Azidothymidine and other life-altering drugs on God’s children. It is not easy but hopefully listen all the way to the end.

Written information below the clip on Rumble, along with much more:
“In March of 2014, the late Liam Scheff stated, "10 years ago, in 2003, 04, 05, I was investigating this story. Children in an NYC orphanage (and the foster care system) used in clinical trials. The Associated Press took it national and found it going on in seven or more states…”

Your comment
about there being “Children in Need” clips is what led me to find this. Evil in every sense of the word. 💔


#savethechildrenworldwide 🙏
