Catalytic Converter ✦ Crop Protection ✦ Deadliest Weapons of Depopulation
Mirelle explains in detail the nanoparticle airpollution problem and how this is connected with C.... and the climatechange agenda. Now with English subtitles. Unfortunately not 100%, but I think the message will be clear. Share this with all your English speaking friends. At this moment the only way to protect ourselves against this are nanoparticle aircleaners. Normal HEPA aircleaners are like open windows for nanoparticles. One of the solutions against nanoparticle airpollution is the GEET processor. Every fossil fuel engine can be upgraded to GEET which is a system without emissions. Watch all my videos about GEET or start building one yourself, if you are a car mechenic. This information is suppressed not only by mainstreammedia, but also by the controlled alternative media. Is there anybody who can bring this video to the attention of Dr Shiva Presidential candidate 2024?
Mieke W
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