Leaked reports from Pentagon UFO task force discuss 'non-human technology,' mysterious objects.

Two classified reports from the Pentagon's task force used to "detect, analyze and catalog" UFOs have been leaked, both of which include photos of unidentified objects.

Defense news website TheDebrief.org has published the reports, including an Oct. 16, 2019, email exchange between former Vice Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Robert Burke and current Vice Chief of Staff for the Air Force Gen. Stephen Wilson. This exchange was obtained by a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request from The Debrief.

“Recommend you take the brief I just received from our Director of Naval Intelligence VADM Matt Kohler, on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP),” Burke told Wilson in the email. Burke added that "SECNAV will get the same brief tomorrow at 1000," likely referring to then-Secretary of the Navy Richard Spencer.


Leaked reports from Pentagon UFO task force discuss 'non-human technology,' mysterious objects | Fox News

Leaked reports from Pentagon UFO task force discuss 'non-human technology,' mysterious objects | Fox News

Two classified reports from the Pentagon's task force used to "detect, analyze and catalog" UFOs have been leaked, one of which includes a photo of an unidentified silver “cube-shaped” object.