What could we find out

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What could we find out and realise if we weren't constantly diverted?

Imagine you are an extraterrestrial, have just crossed uncountable lightyears and are now approaching a planet called Earth.

It's your mission to reconnoitre this planet, to establish contact with it's inhabitants to exchange information and knowledge of any kind.
If this proves positive and you are convinced of the sincerity and peacefullness of the species living on this planet, Earth could be accepted into the Intergalactic Federation of Planets (IFP).
Then it would be possible to have open contacts with inhabitants of other planets which would cause a rapid development of the Earthlings' consciousness and rapid developments in their technologies.


After entering orbit you switch on your monitor to receive eventual signals.

You get a series of broadcasts reporting on what's happening on Earth.
Thus you recognise that this planet is a warring planet where for thousands of years its inhabitants fought, maimed and killed, not, as you would at first assume, enemy planets, but EACH OTHER!!??

You also notice that there is no concept behind these wars.

Some fight for their religion, others because of the colour of their skin.
There are some who are unsatisfied with the size of their country and others fight just to survive, as they have no food.
Some have only financial gain in mind, others do not even know what they are fighting for, they just do.
On the whole, however, most are mainly concerned about themselves.



You realise that this planet is not at all ready for the information and the technology you have to offer.
No matter which country you would choose to land in, your gifts would certainly not be used for the good of all on Earth, but just for the selfish interests of those leading that country.

Perhaps you will think back to your home planet and the time that there were still wars there - but since this had been overcome thousands of years ago and you have no inclination to relive that scenario - and since you just noticed that a few missiles had been fired in the direction of your space cruiser, you quickly decide to rather go visit another planet.


What is it so that people are always warring upon each other?

What purpose could be served by war among man?

What is so important to extinguish other lives for?

What is it that prompts people again and again to hate to such an extent?

What is it we are being distracted from?

What is this elusive thing we seem unable to grasp but feel to be there nonetheless?

What is it exactly that is kept from us?

What could we perhaps find out and realise if we weren't constantly distracted and diverted?


- Biblio:

- https://vriendenplek.nl/WaarofNietWaar 
