Gary Davey
head-shoulders--balls and toes--balls and toes---male skull a toN
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Gary Davey
head-shoulders--balls and toes--balls and toes---male skull a toN
Gary Davey
im waiting Karen--u have male ratios--and you have a vaginA-🙃-whats the odds==all 5 of us have a 95 percent +---average--- male did-git ratio--why the wedding ring ---is on that finger---its not rocket science---its most lee---com-IN centS---
Gary Davey
in--ute--a---row-----is a psyop----------------------------------------------------for the Re-TARDS-----------------------------------------------------easy est way----to spot the tron-E shill accounTS--they will tell u shit--like clone-ING is real---the inverts cant clone a dog shiT---how can they clone a per-SON---dont telll me?? they use magicK
Na de BTW verhogingen nu de Kleine en middelgrote verhuurders die via een bv opereren, zien hun belastingvoordeel vanaf volgend jaar aanzienlijk verminderen. zo pakt de regering langzaam maar zeker alles van je af, straks bewijzen bij de bank waarvoor je je geld nodig hebt.