Held! Pepijn van Houwelingen DOLBLIJ: 'Wet TEGEN vlees uit LABORATORIA is getekend!'

Held! Pepijn van Houwelingen DOLBLIJ: 'Wet TEGEN vlees uit LABORATORIA is getekend!'

Yes! Mooi! Power! FVD'er Pepijn van Houwelingen vindt het geweldig dat in Amerika een wet tegen laboratoriumvlees is getekend.

Meanwhile, the Netherlands continues to be governed by the same government which collapsed nearly a year ago and which was roundly disavowed in the elections last November. Prime Minister, Mark Rutte, said after he resigned – and decided to carry on as a caretaker – “You can’t get rid of me now”, which is a nice summary of the looking-glass world of EU democracy. Michael van der Galien of The Daily Standard explains the crazy machinations behind this surreal situation, the main one being that Mark Rutte is delaying the formation of a Dutch government until his appointment as Secretary-General of NATO is fully confirmed. If true, this is confirmation of the fact that the European political class puts globalist priorities before national ones.

Chaos in the Netherlands: The Unyielding Grip of Rutte's Coalition Despite Its Demise | Forum for Democracy International

Chaos in the Netherlands: The Unyielding Grip of Rutte's Coalition Despite Its Demise | Forum for Democracy International

Forum for Democracy is the largest political and cultural movement in the Netherlands. We believe in the values of our people and our traditions, the values of conservatism and nationalism. It is the belief in the possibility of a European Renaissanc
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Even luisteren, top speech!

Marcel de Graaff was in magnificent form recently in the European Parliament, which had just voted to condemn Iran’s attack on Israel. Marcel bottom-lined it: Israel bombed the Iranian consulate in Damascus first, and Iran’s attack was therefore a response to a provocation which killed sixteen people. Yet the victim is the perpetrator, according to the European Parliament. So it’s déjà vu all over again, just as every aspect of EU policy is based on double standards and breathtaking hypocrisy. In one glorious minute, Marcel explains everything that is wrong with the EU and what to do about it – vote against the EU. That means, vote FVD in the European elections on 6 June.

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It can never be repeated enough that FVD is in politics to do more than politics. As Thierry Baudet explains in a recent video which we have translated with AI, Europe is in very severe decline. But, as he also often insists, governments have relatively little power if the societies they govern refuse to accept their plans. This is why it is essential to rebuild society from the bottom up – by establishing our own institutions and networks. FVD does this with the Forum App, its school and publishing house, its Renaissance Institute and the Honest Eating food delivery service which its leaders run. As Thierry explains, these initiatives are only the beginning of what could be a profound social change – back to normality, growth and optimism.

Voor degene die zogenaamd strategisch hebben gestemd 22-11-2023. Ter herinnering.
Alleen als het roer 180 graden omgaat verandert er wat, zo niet, blijft alles hetzelfde.

FvD krijgt keer op keer gelijk.


FvD vaart een heldere conservatief-liberale koers. Conservatief in die zin dat elke verandering niet perse een verbetering betreft. En dat de meeste mensen, ook in Nederland, heel gewone mensen zijn, met burgerlijk-conservatieve waarden. Zoals het gezin. Liefde voor de natiestaat. En ook grenzen aan die natiestaat. Want we kunnen niet de hele wereld toelaten. En dat klassiek-liberale aspect? Ook dat is van belang. We dienen ondernemerschap te omarmen. Met zo weinig mogelijk belemmeringen voor het zakendoen. Open grenzen zijn namelijk wél nuttig