Vrouwen, kinderen en andere demonstranten worden inmiddels beschoten met rubberen kogels bij een bekend oorlogsmonument in #melbourne. In rap tempo is hier een burgeroorlog aan het ontstaan. Al iets vernomen van de @NOS, @amnestynl of kabinet?

STOPCOMMONPASS.ORG ❌ auf Twitter: "?? #Australia: Police open fire with rubber bullets on *women & children* at the #Victoria Shrine of Rememberance. Where are the Human Rights lawyers, what are the UN General Assembly saying to condemn these senseless acts of violence by the State against citizens.…"

STOPCOMMONPASS.ORG ❌ auf Twitter: "?? #Australia: Police open fire with rubber bullets on *women & children* at the #Victoria Shrine of Rememberance. Where are the Human Rights lawyers, what are the UN General Assembly saying to condemn these senseless acts of violence by the State against citizens.…"

“?? #Australia: Police open fire with rubber bullets on *women children* at the #Victoria Shrine of Rememberance.

Where are the Human Rights lawyers, what are the UN General Assembly saying to condemn these senseless acts of viole