The Biggest Secret Is No Longer A Secret.
Who are we and how we got here are two of the biggest existential questions that continue to elude even the most brilliant of thinkers. There will come a time in the future when we finally understand our place in the universe. In the meantime, the answers eluding us may be glaringly obvious when we turn a wide eye upon our past. Gregg Braden explains the importance of crossing science with ancient teachings in order to truly unravel our greatest existential mysteries.
Janis Say
In The Beginning
Once infinite oneness conceptualized the notion of consciousness, and by intent, out of its own free will, decided -chose- to reproduce, in order to experience (itself), the act of creation occurred.
From thereon it went ---> that-a-way ---> to experience ---> ad infinitum.
Infinite Boredom
Through the dimensions they ranged, all powerful, immaculate; multi-dimensional creatures of light. They knew all things (and quite a few things besides). They were infinity plus one.
It was known to them they lacked the very freedom afforded the lowliest of creatures, the power of free will; the freedom to choose.
They existed, they were what they were, they had no other alternative; all powerful and universal, immortal; infinitely immortal, denizens of everywhere and nowhere. They had no substance, how could they? Substance is fixed, immutable. In this, they perceived their devolution.
Regress To Impress
They conceived a solution to their infinite boredom. It was decided they could evolve backwards, regress to impress, and in one dimension they found a means to become, to gain substance; a means to forget, a means to know nothing. They had discovered choice. Substance is fallible, it degrades, it ceases. Substance dies. They could choose death, they could cease to exist.
The Plan
In their boredom they had not become so mad as to will their own extinction, they thus developed a plan. They chose some to stay behind, to be replaced in rotation. They chose masters of substance to hold the lore. They programmed these masters with the knowledge to become light once again so substance would have the means to continue as before; the means to regain infinity. All it would take is the will to relearn and the knowledge of the master.
The infinite could choose to be substantial, the substantial could choose to be infinite, an elegant solution. The substantial could also choose to become ... no-thing; total death.
The game was spawned.
"Genesis 1:1-4"
In the beginning ... was infinite oneness
Then ... consciousness saw the light
Fear followed ... darkness claimed its part
The battle began ...
Within the light, a stain grew, a place where no light blossomed, darkness. Some had seen the possibility of a different evolution. An end to equality.
As related, linked matters tend to affect each other, the inequality of substance had taught the light to perceive power. Some saw the chance to rule the light, to create a, never before immagined, universal heirarchy.
The Struggle Began
Darkness spawned knowledge in the substance who were not masters. This substance craved power, they used this knowledge to seek out those who upheld the lore. They seized the lore for themselves, subverted it, hid it, controlled it.
For the light-become-substance there was no way back. No freedom to choose, nothing left but extinction. Yet ...
The Light Fought Back
Careful to observe the dictates of their vision; the freedom to choose, they seeded the faithful with the means to return.
The Universal Battle
Over time, backwards and forwards, the knowledge passed from the darkness to the light, passed from the light to the darkness. Never any equilibrium, never any balance. The universal battle, the one true struggle ...... the fight for the freedom to choose.
Then we forgot ......
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