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Aanvang 2016: Virus-epidemie aan de Russische grens in de Oekraïne.


De oorlogszuchtige massmoordenaars Joe Biden en Barack Hussein Obama (Barry Soetero) waren aan de macht in de VS en voerden acht jaar lang ononderbroken oorlog in het midden-oosten en noord-Afrika, waarbij zij 1,5 miljoen mensen lieten vermoorden. Dit krankzinnige heerschap liet via hun biochemische laboratoria aldaar in Oekraïne gekweekte massadestructiewapens (schadelijke virussen) los , om de Europese bevolking te decimeren.

Deze video is een mediamededeling van de plaatsvervangende korpschef van het Ministerie van Verdediging van de Volksrepubliek Donetsk, Eduard Basurin, op 22 januari 2016 (met Engelstalige ondertiteling).

Saillante ondertitel #1 (tijdstempel 2m32s):
"Besides, we keep registering new facts of growing the epidemics of acute respiratory infections among the Ukrainian military. Just since the beginning or this week more than 20 Ukrainian military have been taken to civil and military hospitals of Kharkov and Dnepropetrovsk."

Saillante ondertitel #2 (tijdstempel 2m47s):
"It is important to repeat that the DPR intelligence previously reported the reseach being carried out in a private laboratory in the locality Shelkostantsiya, 30 km away from the city of Kharkov, and involving US military experts."

Oorspronkelijke titel van dit perscommuniqé:
"Сводка от Эдуарда Басурина от 22 января 2016 English Subtitles"

Uit de krochten van het internet heb ik dit (inmiddels van YouTube verwijderde) filmpje opgegraven. Spoel bij geen geduld meteen door naar 2m32s voor het communiqé over de 'mysterieuze' virusinfecties.


"Deadly virus leaked from US laboratory in Donbass - DPR Army and Intelligence."

"Friday, January 22, 2016 - 20:05
More than 20 Ukrainian soldiers have died and over 200 soldiers are hospitalized in a short period of time because of new and deadly virus, which is immune to all medicines. Donetsk People's Republic intelligence has reported that Californian Flu is leaked from the same place where research of this virus has been carried out. The laboratory is located near the city of Kharkov and its base for US military experts. Information from threatening epidemic is announced by Vice-Commander of Donetsk Army, Eduard Basurin."

"Leak of deadly virus in Ukrainian side was published first time on 12.1.2016:"

""According to the medical personnel of the AFU units (Ukrainian troops) there were recorded mass diseases among the Ukrainian military personnel in the field. Physicians recorded the unknown virus as a result of which the infected get the high fever which cannot be subdues by any medicines, and in two days there comes the fatal outcome. Thus far from the virus there have died more than twenty servicemen, what is carefully shielded by the commandment of the AFU from the publicity", said Basurin in daily MoD situation report."

"Outbreak of deadly virus continues and Friday 22.1.2016 Vice-Commander told new information from epidemic:"

""We keep registering new facts of growing the epidemics of acute respiratory infections among the Ukrainian military. Just since the beginning of this week more than 200 Ukrainian military have been taken to civil and military hospitals of Kharkov and Dnepropetrovsk. It is important to repeat that the DPR intelligence previously reported the research being carried out in a private laboratory in the locality Shelkostantsiya, 30 km away from the city of Kharkov, and involving US military experts. According to our information, it is there where the deadly Californian flu strain leaked from," Basurin said."


@Dunewtf , wellicht wil je dit filmpje op je Bitchute kanaal https://www.bitchute.com/channel/u1KHllwFekAT/ plaatsen?
