To the now and future slaves ...
At present there is a reorganisation going on within the governments of the world; the executive managements, basically a crime syndicate. This is to prevent the "waking up" of the people, i.e., the slaves, which would mean the end of the syndicate. However, this reorganisation brings a serious risk with it.
With all the changes, the now and future slaves could speedily come to 'unwanted' insights. For example, the realisation that they are already slaves, run by a crime syndicate, and that they, the slaves - before the reorganisation is completed - could liberate themselves from it.
They are, after all, in a vast majority - and it's only their beliefs that holds them captive ...
The world is a slave colony.
That slave colony is run and managed by a crime syndicate. The population of the colony consists of two kinds of people: the owners and the slaves. Of course, running such a crime syndicate requires organisation. In the current situation, the syndicate is therefore divided into several sections, each with its own function.
- The Strategic Top Management
- The Executive Management
- The Commercial Management
- The PR Management
The above departments must of course be staffed. The syndicate will therefore grant privileges to a number of slaves for this. These privileges range from a top salary in the corporate and banking sector to a modest income as an official or civil servant or any modest power as a politician, to control as a local director or as a media personality to fame in the entertainment industry and so on.
In exchange for these privileges, these slaves have a defined task (compartmentalisation). By far most of these slaves are not even aware that they are part of the crime syndicate. They only look at their own role and believe they have an honorable profession. The 'top slaves' are often more aware of this, but their reward is enticing to such an extent that the importance of maintaining their position is greater than the call of conscience. Slaves with a developed, healthy conscience are not eligible for these positions; the glass ceiling. After all, the top management does not want talented, self-thinking leaders, the top management wants untalented, (pre)programmed followers. The best parrots get to have the most beautiful cages.
However, there is a disadvantage to this; the slaves are attached to the old structures and will therefore not accept any unilateral change. The solution for this comes by deliberately inflating or creating problems (this crisis or that) and thus establishing a situation of 'against all odds'. These 'odds' must thus be 'fought' with measures that would have never been accepted without these 'odds'.
These 'odds' then, 'justify' measures such as individual electronic direct control over the behaviour of all slaves by means of a new electronic business model (100% controlled centrally, digital currency etc.), which renders the violence of the executive management largely unnecessary; obsolete even. The slaves may then indeed, with any deemed inappropriate behavior, be excluded (individually and automatically) from access to food and water and other means which are a vital condition for the slaves without being able to draw on anonymous cash because, well, to not obey means one does not get to eat.
In addition, the executive managements (governments) are very fragmented and thus its control cumbersome. These must therefore be merged into one department; a one world government, accompanied by one army, one law, one digital currency, one religion and so on.
At present there is a reorganisation going on within the crime syndicate. This is to prevent the "waking up" of the slaves, which would mean the end of the syndicate. However, this reorganisation brings this serious risk with it.
With all the changes, the slaves could speedily come to 'unwanted' insights. For example, the realisation that they are slaves, run by a crime syndicate, and that they, the slaves - before the reorganisation is completed - could liberate themselves from it.
They are, after all, a vast majority - and it's only their beliefs that holds them captive ...
'Parasites and Vampires - Harvesting Energy'
- Biblio:
Frank Remie 4 jr
👀 Hear !! Hear !! so true one little adition there are an over the top layer of a select few the very tip of the piramide 🤓 The ones not even bothered with being in the management team they just give orders 🤡 The hand(s) behind the screen. 😎 Peace Love Unity Respect and Namaste 🙏