Ontdekken posts

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Healthy Life ☘️,

Try starting the day with w/1-3 mins of eye exercises.
The research-supported benefits are significant & long-lasting in dopamine and thereby elevated mood, alertness, and focus.

Here are my all-time favorite eye exercises:

1. convergence/connects the left & right brain (corpus callosum)
2. lateral eye movements/suppress amygdala (stress and fear)
3. Vertical eye movements/increase dopamine (mood, alertness, & focus)
4. Saccades - improve reaction time

Follow us: t.me/Healthy_Life (https://t.me/+AYFFCxczbWZhNTdk)☘️


Healthy Life ☘️,


How to clean your fruits and vegetables.
Although it’s not absolutely necessary to clean all produce for those who have an average immune system, I prefer to use this method. At bare minimum - rinsing under the sink with water helps significantly!

Follow us: t.me/Healthy_Life (https://t.me/+AYFFCxczbWZhNTdk)☘️

Mr Ian

4G VS 5G



27 w - Youtube

direct democracy uk

lloyds of #london refuse to insure

all electromagnetic field radiation

your 2/3/4G #smartphone, light bulb cleaner and

will kil you


27 w - Youtube

Angelia 💋 Podcast 🎙“We Do Not Consent Worldwide”

#5gkills #5gcoronavirus #5g #5gto300g Joe Imbriano warned us in 2018-60GHz blocks Oxygen uptake=fake virus=kil... via

The battle that rages for your mind it's frightening because it's truth




Updated. This is a battle that rages for your very mind and ability to think. #mindcontrol #stratosphericaerosolinjection #silentweapons #5thgenwarfare take up the whole armor of God
They want to control your mind #pray #repent God help us in Jesus' name #spiritualwarfare

Bijgewerkt. Dit is een strijd die woedt om uw geest en denkvermogen. #mindcontrol #stratosphericaerosolinjection #silentweapons #5thgenwarfare de hele wapenrusting van God opnemen
Ze willen je geest beheersen #pray #repent God sta ons bij in Jezus' naam #spiritualwarfare



🍁Blue Sky ✊ ✊ ✊(互粉)

Dr. Magda Havas said 5G has been recently implemented in areas such as Wuhan and northern Italy where COVID-19 cases have surged. 5G's radio frequency radiation can damage the immune system and may make people more susceptible to viral infection.

Dr. Magda Havas zei dat 5G onlangs is geïmplementeerd in gebieden als Wuhan en Noord-Italië, waar het aantal gevallen van COVID-19 enorm is toegenomen. De radiofrequentiestraling van 5G kan het immuunsysteem beschadigen en mensen vatbaarder maken voor virale infecties.

