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Well If It's Flat What Is Beyond The Ice Wall Of Antarctica?

Extra Terrain (Extraterrestrials)
The Other Planets (Infinite Flat Plain)
Nazi UFO Bases

🔍"The Earth Is Flat & Stationary: Destroying The Freemasonic Luciferian Globalist "Globe" Lie"
💊 https://humorousmathematics.co....m/post/the-earth-is-

Als het plat is, wat bevindt zich dan achter de ijsmuur van Antarctica?

Extra terrein (buitenaardse wezens)
De andere planeten (oneindige vlakke vlakte)

🔍 "De aarde is plat en stationair: het vernietigen van de vrijmetselaars-luciferiaanse globalistische 'Globe'-leugen"
💊 https://humorousmathematics.co....m/post/the-earth-is-


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The Freemasons Know It's Flat, But Do You?

🔍"The Earth Is Flat & Stationary: Destroying The Freemasonic Luciferian Globalist "Globe" Lie"
💊 https://humorousmathematics.co....m/post/the-earth-is-
🆔 https://t.me/OperationCue/339
💊 https://link-tube.com/OperationQ

De vrijmetselaars weten dat het plat is, maar jij ook?

🔍 "De aarde is plat en stationair: het vernietigen van de vrijmetselaars-luciferiaanse globalistische 'wereldbol'-leugen"
💊 https://humorousmathematics.co....m/post/the-earth-is-
🆔 https://t.me/OperationCue/339
💊 https://link-tube.com/OperationQ


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How Does Human Trafficking Go Unnoticed?

D.U.M.B.'s: Deep Underground Military Bases

Children Are Moved Underground Via Tunnel Systems/D.U.M.B.'s Easily Bypassing Canadian, Mexican & U.S.A Borders

🔍Child Sex Trafficking
💊 https://humorousmathematics.co....m/post/platforms-hou
💊 https://link-tube.com/OperationQ

Hoe blijft mensenhandel onopgemerkt?

DUMB's: diep ondergrondse militaire bases

Kinderen worden ondergronds vervoerd via tunnelsystemen/DUMB's, waarbij ze gemakkelijk de Canadese, Mexicaanse en Amerikaanse grenzen passeren

🔍 Kindersekshandel
💊 https://humorousmathematics.co....m/post/platforms-hou
💊 https://link-tube.com/OperationQ


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Pedophile Codes

🔍Platforms Housing Child Sex Trafficking Must Be Investigated & Eradicated: Etsy, Wayfair, & Yandex
💊 https://humorousmathematics.co....m/post/platforms-hou
Tweets: #pizzagate Is Real. Do Not Give Up The Citizen Investigation.
💊 https://humorousmathematics.co....m/post/nsagov-tweets

Pedofiele codes

🔍 Platformen die kindersekshandel huisvesten moeten worden onderzocht en uitgeroeid: Etsy, Wayfair en Yandex
💊 https://humorousmathematics.co....m/post/platforms-hou
Tweets: #pizzagate Is echt. Geef het burgeronderzoek niet op.
💊 https://humorousmathematics.co....m/post/nsagov-tweets


Not Op Cue


Pedophile Codes

🔍Platforms Housing Child Sex Trafficking Must Be Investigated & Eradicated: Etsy, Wayfair, & Yandex
💊 https://humorousmathematics.co....m/post/platforms-hou
Tweets: #pizzagate Is Real. Do Not Give Up The Citizen Investigation.
💊 https://humorousmathematics.co....m/post/nsagov-tweets

Pedofiele codes

🔍 Platformen die kindersekshandel huisvesten moeten worden onderzocht en uitgeroeid: Etsy, Wayfair en Yandex
💊 https://humorousmathematics.co....m/post/platforms-hou
Tweets: #pizzagate Is echt. Geef het burgeronderzoek niet op.
💊 https://humorousmathematics.co....m/post/nsagov-tweets


Not Op Cue


Pedophile Codes

🔍Platforms Housing Child Sex Trafficking Must Be Investigated & Eradicated: Etsy, Wayfair, & Yandex
💊 https://humorousmathematics.co....m/post/platforms-hou
Tweets: #pizzagate Is Real. Do Not Give Up The Citizen Investigation.
💊 https://humorousmathematics.co....m/post/nsagov-tweets

Pedofiele codes

🔍 Platformen die kindersekshandel huisvesten moeten worden onderzocht en uitgeroeid: Etsy, Wayfair en Yandex
💊 https://humorousmathematics.co....m/post/platforms-hou
Tweets: #pizzagate Is echt. Geef het burgeronderzoek niet op.
💊 https://humorousmathematics.co....m/post/nsagov-tweets


Not Op Cue


Marina Abramovic

Tony Podesta

Spirit Cooking Dinner (

"I am so looking forward to the Spirit Cooking dinner at my place."

Cannibalism/human meat for sale:
Cannibal Club
Human Farming Project

🔍 What Is #adrenochrome ?🐇🕳️
💊 https://humorousmathematics.co....m/post/what-is-adren


Not Op Cue


Hollywood boycotted/blacklisted Mel Gibson since 2006 because he is a truth speaking patriot.

Globalist (Ashkenazi Khazarian) funded fact-checkers/shills use truther labels, "Anti-Semite" and "Anti-Semitic" on him.

🔍 What Is #adrenochrome ?🐇🕳️
💊 https://humorousmathematics.co....m/post/what-is-adren

Hollywood heeft Mel Gibson sinds 2006 geboycot/op de zwarte lijst gezet omdat hij een patriot is die de waarheid spreekt.

Globalistische (Ashkenazi Khazarian) gefinancierde factcheckers/shills gebruiken waarheidsgetrouwe labels, "Antisemiet" en "Antisemitisch" over hem.

🔍 Wat is #adrenochrome ? 🐇🕳️
💊 https://humorousmathematics.co....m/post/what-is-adren


Not Op Cue


Symbolism Of Harvesting Adrenochrome & LOOSH (Low Vibrational Negative Spiritual Energy) Demonstrated In Monsters, Inc.

"Monsters" =
1⃣ Reptilians
2⃣ Archons

"Scream" Cannisters =
1⃣ Fill Up Red/Blood
2⃣ Harvesting Screams Symbolizes Harvesting LOOSH

💊 https://humorousmathematics.co....m/post/what-is-the-l
Vertaald vanuit het Engels door
Symboliek van het oogsten van adrenochroom en LOOSH (laag vibrerende negatieve spirituele energie), gedemonstreerd in Monsters, Inc.

"Monsters" =
1 ⃣ Reptielen
2 ⃣ Archonten

"Schreeuw" bussen =
1 ⃣ Rood/bloed opvullen
2 ⃣ Oogstgeschreeuw symboliseert het oogsten van LOOSH

💊 https://humorousmathematics.co....m/post/what-is-the-l


Not Op Cue

We are witnessing many of these elites suffer from adrenochrome withdrawal during the COVID Scamdemic.

Symptoms include reversing positive effects, schizophrenia, sever physical / mental / emotional damage and accelerated aging (e.g.

💊 https://humorousmathematics.co....m/post/what-is-adren

We zijn er getuige van dat veel van deze elites tijdens de COVID-scamdemie lijden aan adrenochroomontwenning.

Symptomen zijn onder meer het ongedaan maken van positieve effecten, schizofrenie, ernstige fysieke/mentale/emotionele schade en versnelde veroudering (bijv.

💊 https://humorousmathematics.co....m/post/what-is-adren

