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Holland tries to normalize pedophilia by exposing 10-year-olds to naked adults.

Dutch public TV plans to broadcast a Danish program called “simply naked” in which children between the ages of 10 and 12 are exposed to naked adults to supposedly ask them questions about their bodies. The program, which some see as normalizing pedophilia, drew criticism from the public and politicians.

Beyond the fact that the producers of the program, who obviously share the perverted view that innocent and pure children at that age have to look at the sexual organs of adults (for what exactly?!), have assured that it is all “carefully produced,” the argument is worthless, the impact on these children will be in the medium and long term if this is normalized.
Lees verder:

Holland tries to normalize pedophilia by exposing 10-year-olds to naked adults | The BL

Holland tries to normalize pedophilia by exposing 10-year-olds to naked adults | The BL

Dutch public TV plans to broadcast a Danish program called "simply naked" in which childre...


Wie het licht van de zon terugkaatst zendt het leven retour - TransitieWeb

Wie het licht van de zon terugkaatst zendt het leven retour - TransitieWeb

Peter van Hees houdt het luchtruim boven Driebergen scherp in het oog. In deze bijdrage blikt hij terug op het licht van de zon in februari.

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In 2018 waarschuwden diplomaten voor risicovolle coronavirus-experimenten in een Wuhan-laboratorium. Niemand luisterde.


In 2018, Diplomats Warned of Risky Coronavirus Experiments in a Wuhan Lab. No One Listened. | Winter Watch

In 2018, Diplomats Warned of Risky Coronavirus Experiments in a Wuhan Lab. No One Listened. | Winter Watch

After seeing a risky lab, they wrote a cable warning to Washington. But it was ignored. By Josh Rogin | 8 March 2021 POLITICO — On January 15, in its last days, President Donald Trump’s [...]