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4 jr


BREAKING: Hunter Biden Laptop Finder is Now Suing Twitter for Defamation

BREAKING: Hunter Biden Laptop Finder is Now Suing Twitter for...

BREAKING: Hunter Biden Laptop Finder is Now Suing Twitter for...

John Paul Mac Isaac, whose discovery of a laptop that by virtually all accounts belongs to Hunter Biden, the son of current president Joe Biden, is suing Twitter for defamation. “John Paul Mac Isaac has sued Twitter for defamation in connection

Hoe politici wereldwijd onze kinderen mentaal kapot maken



Bijwerkingen van het vaccin erger als u Covid heeft gehad.


Vaccine side-effects worse if you’ve had Covid | News | The Times

Vaccine side-effects worse if you’ve had Covid | News | The Times

People who have previously been infected with Covid-19 are more likely to experience flu-like side-effects after vaccination, researchers have found.The observation may mean that people should expect

53% van de Amerikaanse militaire families zegt dat ze geen Covid vaccin willen.

53% of US Military Families Say They Don’t Want a Covid Jab, But US Navy Says it Will Be Mandatory for Active Duty Personnel | Winter Watch

53% of US Military Families Say They Don’t Want a Covid Jab, But US Navy Says it Will Be Mandatory for Active Duty Personnel | Winter Watch

53% of Military Families Don’t Want COVID-19 Vaccine, Survey Shows By Patricia Kime | 4 February 2021 MILITARY.COM –In a straw poll of 810 active-duty military personnel, spouses and veterans, more than half of active-duty [...]

Sterfgevallen door COVID-19-vaccins nemen toe, CDC vertroebelt de cijfers.
De Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is een machtige instantie die het vaccinbeleid beïnvloedt, niet alleen in de VS, maar over de hele wereld. Dat is jammer, want het zit vol met corruptie en belangenconflicten. De door de industrie gefinancierde CDC’s nieuwste propaganda-exploits omvatten het afbeelden van de slecht geteste COVID-19-vaccins als veilig en heilzaam, en het schaamteloos afwimpelen van het steeds toenemende dodental van deze vaccins als puur toeval. Dit artikel legt uit waarom de CDC op geen enkele manier geloofwaardig is over deze kwestie:


Deaths from COVID-19 Vaccines are Increasing, & the CDC is Whitewashing It – Anthony Colpo

Deaths from COVID-19 Vaccines are Increasing, & the CDC is Whitewashing It – Anthony Colpo

The COVID-19 Vaccine story gets murkier and murkier by the day. To document all the chicanery, lies and conflicts of interest surrounding this issue would constitute a full time job for an army of researchers. Today, I'm going to focus on the high

