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KANTELPUNT LIVE 26 NOVEMBER 2020, Jaap van Dissel en kompanen achter slot en grendel?

CONFIRMED BY ITALIAN HEALTH SERVICE: False Positives to COVID-19 Test as Diagnosis are 95%. Legal Cases Started.
Italian Health Service has just confirmed that 95% of positive Covid test-results in Italy are false positives, and a legal case has been launched “under charges of fraud to procure public funding, false alarm, ideological false (sic), and manslaughter”.

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CONFIRMED BY ITALIAN HEALTH SERVICE: False Positives to COVID-19 Test as Diagnosis are 95%. Legal Cases Started | Daily Street News

CONFIRMED BY ITALIAN HEALTH SERVICE: False Positives to COVID-19 Test as Diagnosis are 95%. Legal Cases Started | Daily Street News

Italian Health Service has just confirmed that 95% of positive Covid test-results in Italy are false positives, and a legal case has been launched "under charges of fraud to procure public fundin

Utah monolith: Internet sleuths got there, but its origins are still a mystery.
It took just 48 hours for the first person to get there.

When officials in Utah on Monday revealed they had found a shimmering, metal structure deep in the Red Rock desert, they refused to say exactly where.

They hoped that would be enough to deter amateur adventurers from setting off to find it, risking getting dangerously lost in the process.
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The metal monolith sits deep in a desert easy to get lost in, so officials did not reveal its location.
4 jr - Youtube

Jupiter, Saturn to Appear as 'Double Planet' Next Month in ‘Exceptionally Rare’ Event.
Jupiter, a gas giant with a mass one-thousandth that of the sun, is the fifth planet from the sun and is the largest in the solar system. Saturn, the sixth planet from the sun, is the second-largest in the solar system with an average radius of about nine times that of Earth.

On December 21, Jupiter and Saturn will be close together, or in conjunction, in an extremely rare event, according to a release from Rice University published by Phys.org

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Jupiter, Saturn to Appear as 'Double Planet' Next Month in ‘Exceptionally Rare’ Event - Sputnik International

Jupiter, a gas giant with a mass one-thousandth that of the sun, is the fifth planet from the sun and is the largest in the solar system. Saturn, the sixth planet from...

4 jr

Ook dit was ooit een complot, nu niet meer, alweer hebben de "complotters" gelijk

4 jr

Ook dit was ooit een complot, nu niet meer, alweer hebben de "complotters" gelijk

Intrigerende afbeelding van The Morrigan Goddes Dwars Ligster ! Van harte welkom bij vriendenplek, graag delen we in je intersses, je berichten zien we gaarne tegemoet.
