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Truth Troll Official™️

🧵Thread🧵Post 2🧵

First, let’s go back in history a little bit…

‘For millennia, JËŴŞ have been referred to as the “poisoners of the wells“. Simultaneously, we have been repeatedly assured that this is nothing more than a “conspiracy theory” created by senseless bigots who hate jews for “no reason whatsoever“.’

“The persecution of JËŴŞ during the Black Death consisted of a series of violent mass attacks and massacres. Jewish communities were often blamed for outbreaks of the Black Death in Europe. 1348-1351.”

“Lawrence Pavelsky, a jewish pediatrician, talked about how jews were caught poisoning wells during the "Black Death" in Europe, and relates it to what has taken place with Covid.”
Probably a conspiracy theory….🤥



Truth Troll Official™️

🧵Thread🧵Post 1🧵

🔷Covid-19 Vaccine- A Bio-Weapon?🔷

▪️Poisoning the Wells Again?▪️
▪️Nakam▪️Plan A▪️
▪️China 🇨🇳▪️Israel🇮🇱▪️

(For educational/entertainment purposes only)

The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either.
– Benjamin Franklin

Gaius Memmius (c. 99 – c. 49 BC, was a Roman politician, orator and poet.



Publio - Palestina 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

Genocides: well, let's say the Zionists are using different war techniques, here they are not using bombs but silent weapons. Depopulation is going on.

Genocidi : be, diciamo che i Sionisti usano tecniche di guerra differenti , qui non usano bombe ma armi silenziose .. Depopolamento in atto.

Genociden: nou, laten we zeggen dat de zionisten verschillende oorlogstechnieken gebruiken, hier gebruiken ze geen bommen maar stille wapens. Ontvolking is aan de gang.



Chance 🤺 Giardiniere 🍊 🔞

Netanyahu is said to have a VACCINE shot in his office. Israel was the Pfizer laboratory, which was instrumental in falsifying the initial studies on the effectiveness of the infection and making the world believe it prevented transmission. Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla is EBRE0.

Netanyahu avrebbe una siringa del VACClNO nel suo ufficio. Israele è stato il laboratorio di Pfizer, fondamentale per falsificare i primi studi sull'efficacia sull'infezione e far credere al mondo che impedisse la trasmissione. Albert Bourla CEO di Pfizer è EBRE0.

Netanyahu zou een VACCIN-spuit in zijn kantoor hebben. Israël was het laboratorium van Pfizer, dat van fundamenteel belang was bij het vervalsen van de eerste onderzoeken naar de effectiviteit van de infectie en om de wereld te laten geloven dat deze de overdracht verhinderde. Albert Bourla, CEO van Pfizer, is EBRE0.




WEF Pfizer admits Jew jab mRNA likely to slaughter by government sanctioned euthanasia by 50 percent 2023 onwards

WEF Pfizer geeft toe dat mRNA van Jodenvaccin waarschijnlijk met 50 procent zal worden afgeslacht door door de overheid goedgekeurde euthanasie vanaf 2023




Adviseur Frans Ministerie in ‘ Verbatim ‘ :




‼️An interesting quote from the recently deceased Kissinger (the man who trained Klaus Schwab, a leading Bilderberg member) at the WHO Council on Eugenics on February 25, 2009:

"Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, the game is over. They will accept anything - forced blood donations or organ donations - "for the common good".
We can genetically modify and sterilize children - "for the common good"... Vaccine manufacturers will make billions. And many of you in this room are future investors. This is a big win-win deal. We exterminate the herd, and the herd pays us for the extermination services."

‼️Een interessant citaat van de recent overleden Kissinger (de man die Klaus Schwab heeft opgeleid, vooraanstaand Bilderberg lid) tijdens de WHO Council on Eugenics op 25 februari 2009:

"Zodra de kudde verplichte vaccinaties accepteert, is het spel voorbij. Ze zullen alles accepteren - gedwongen bloed- of orgaandonatie - "voor het algemeen belang.
We kunnen kinderen genetisch modificeren en steriliseren - "voor het algemeen belang"... Vaccinfabrikanten zullen miljarden verdienen. En velen van u in deze zaal zijn toekomstige investeerders. Dit is een grote win-win-overeenkomst. Wij roeien de kudde uit, en de kudde betaalt ons voor de uitroeiingsdiensten."



Timothy Kolstein

Kissinger is a Jew. CEOs of Moderna, Pfizer and J&J are Jews. CDC is 90% Jew. CEO of Blackrock who is planning to buy up Ukraine after the war is over is Jew. Media is Jew. CIA is run by Jews. American Senate and Congress are owned by Jews.

Thank them for the wars and vaccines.

Kissinger is Joods. CEO's van Moderna, Pfizer en J&J zijn Joods. CDC is voor 90% Joods. CEO van Blackrock die van plan is om Oekraïne op te kopen nadat de oorlog voorbij is, is Joods. Media is Joods. CIA wordt gerund door Joden. De Amerikaanse Senaat en het Congres zijn eigendom van Joden.

Bedank ze voor de oorlogen en de vaccins.



traditioneller Katholik - C🙄vid ist ein SKRlPT🐍

Have you seen this excellent video exposing the "C0VlD" in America?
Very relevant to many other countries as well.
A must watch!!! 💥💥

Heb je deze geweldige video gezien die de "C0VLD" in Amerika blootlegt?
Ook zeer relevant voor veel andere landen.
Een must-see!!! 💥💥



Cregg Lund

