Ontdekken posts

Ontdek boeiende inhoud en diverse perspectieven op onze Ontdek-pagina. Ontdek nieuwe ideeën en voer zinvolle gesprekken


De meest zekere manier om de waarheid over iets vast te stellen is middels feiten ... en die worden bepaald door de eigenschappen die feit eigen zijn.

Om feit van fictie te kunnen onderscheiden moeten we dus weten wat feit is.

Om te weten wat feit is - om het vast te stellen; om in staat te zijn het te herkennen voor wat het werkelijk is, zeker wanneer niet direct duidelijk - moeten we weten wat de kenmerkende eigenschappen van feit zijn zodat we feit als zodanig kunnen identificeren.

Daarin vinden we ons echter geconfronteerd met een struikelblok ...

Wanneer jou gevraagd wordt om de eigenschappen die feit bepalen te benoemen, is de kans groot dat je zal ontdekken dat het je niet lukt.

Ga je gang, neem de proef op de som maar, verbaas jezelf ......



De robots


Made in China masks are made of plastic, sprayed with chemicals and often contain RFID chips. (44 seconds) Single-use masks are typically made from polypropylene, a petrol fuel-derived plastic that can take hundreds of years to break down.

“Some people have said that money rules the world, some say politicians, some say weapons – they are all wrong. The truth is that ideas rule the world, they always have and always will. It is ideas that will, for better or worse, shape the destiny of mankind.”

The “Academy of Ideas” is the independent creation of two brothers from Canada, who use the internet to present ideas from great philosophers, psychologists, and economists to a wide public.
They provide video’s illustrated with artwork, as well as articles and take great care to reference everything well, and to present the ideas in their proper context.

From the Stoics to Jung, from a discussion of different views on the midlife crisis to discussions on the problems of internet addiction, The Academy of Ideas challenges us to think for ourselves, and to reflect on our own motives. Its premise is that the great insights that have been won by some of our ancestors, should be put to good use to help improve the life of everyone interested in doing so, now that we are lucky enough to be living in a time when the spreading of information is so much more easy and cheap than it was in the past.

Many of these video’s can be viewed for free on Odysee.com or on Youtube.com, but for a modest fee, one can become a supporter, which gives access to even more content.

I have greatly enjoyed many of the video’s by The Academy of Ideas, and would like to invite you to see if it would stimulate your mind likewise.



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