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STAATSGEKKIE HERMANS https://www.dagelijksestandaar....d.nl/politiek/de-tel

De teloorgang van de VVD: Minister Hermans dwingt burgers glimlachend om anders te douchen. Echt totalitair gestoord!

De teloorgang van de VVD: Minister Hermans dwingt burgers glimlachend om anders te douchen. Echt totalitair gestoord!

Wie had ooit gedacht dat de VVD zou veranderen in wat het nu is?
12 w - Youtube



BMW Says EU Ban on Gasoline Cars from 2035 Is “No Longer Realistic” | OilPrice.com

BMW Says EU Ban on Gasoline Cars from 2035 Is “No Longer Realistic” | OilPrice.com

Germany’s car manufacturing giant BMW is warning that an EU ban on the sale of gasoline and diesel cars from 2035 is “no longer realistic” amid slow EV sales

Beware of graphene oxide in anesthetics used by the dentist
Category: News



Zieke wereld


12 w - Youtube

Van Meijeren (FVD) en Van Der Plas (BB over SDG's, boeren en EU in Landbouwdebat | Tweede Kamer


blckbx today #341: Verplichte oorlogseconomie NL | Oud NOS… | blckbx

blckbx today #341: Verplichte oorlogseconomie NL | Oud NOS… | blckbx

In deze uitzending gaat Erwin Taams in gesprek met Pim van Rijswijk, bedrijfseconoom Paul Buitink en voormalig Zembla journalist Marcel van Silfhout

DARPA is the secretive U.S. defense agency behind groundbreaking technologies like the internet and GPS.

"The Dark Side of DARPA | The Human Cost of Technological Supremacy" uncovers DARPA's lesser-known projects and controversial experiments that push ethical boundaries.

This episode of The WhyFiles weighs DARPA's positive innovations against its more questionable endeavors. Does the agency's pursuit of cutting-edge tech justify some of its shadier activities?

You'll discover surprising facts about DARPA's influence on daily life and national security. This enigmatic organization shapes our world in ways most people do not, and may never, realize.

Ultimately, you'll be left pondering whether DARPA is a force for good -- or cause for serious concern.